“In my opinion, Lara is a modern Shamanic practitioner of the arts. She combines her extensive knowledge or yoga, art therapy, psychology, mediation, dance and music to help those who are willing to allow deep levels of their psyche to assist them with healing visions and trance states. I have witnessed her facilitate such states in an incredibly humble and intuitive manner. And as she continues to evolve, as we all do, so does her work, which is a real joy to be a part of.”

~ Emilia rose, African Dance Teacher

"It is no exaggeration to say that Lara’s teaching of yoga has changed my life. She has a very rare ability to speak to EVERY facet of yoga – from the physical alignment, to the energetics underneath, to the bhakti (heart).

She has helped me understand how to make yoga a way of life, a way of relating to myself and to others, that has enriched my life immeasurably. Whether you have never done a downward dog before, or whether you have practiced for decades, Lara has the ability to guide you towards the fullest, brightest, and most vibrant version of yourself that you possibly can be."

~ Julia Billington, Actress & Yoga Teacher

"Having practiced and trained with some of the world's most highly renowned and revered teachers, I can honestly say that Lara encapsulates the best of the best. She teaches from a place of deeply grounded authenticity but with such grace, eloquence and artistry that lifts and enlivens the spirit in her students.”

Amanda Zdanowicz, owner Soho Yoga Brisbane

“It's hard to put into words what Lara has taught me through her extraordinary yoga classes, which I am gratefully continuing online despite being physically on the opposite side of the world.

Sometimes even through the most simple shapes, Lara guides an incredibly profound and expansive experience.

I urge anyone and everyone who wants to touch bliss, move through undigested pockets of pain and feel their body in motion as the greatest expression of joy - no matter what it has faced - to try Lara’s classes. It’s like stepping into the sunlight and giving yourself permission to bask in the glow of your own dazzle.”

~ Georgie Neve, Yoga Teacher, UK

“Lara has been an incredible guide on my path of healing and self-discovery, particularly after experiencing a significant loss. In our mentoring sessions, Lara always created a safe space where she guided me to explore the depths of my inner landscape with curiosity and self-compassion, bringing me to a place where I could discover my own unique answers.

Even over Zoom, Lara's presence has always felt warm and safe. She’s got a unique gift for helping me drop into my body, teaching me to listen to its subtle yet meaningful language. What stands out is her ability to tune into what is most needed at the moment. Each session has been a unique journey tailored to what was most present for me at that time. I've left each session feeling transformed, more integrated, and at home within myself.”

~ Romy M

I still remember my first class with Lara back in 2015. I don’t remember what we did or how we did it but I remember a feeling of absolute awe. I was incredibly inspired and wanted more! 

I use Lara’s online offerings now like a toolbox. Whether it’s strength or softness I need, Lara’s classes will help me to find it. She has taught me so much about deep listening; a superpower that goes beyond the eardrum. I love practicing online at any time that works, in the comfort of my home. I’m so grateful for Lara sharing these teachings in her poetic and empowering style.

Ella Young ~ plant-based chef & yoga teacher

Teacher Training Testimonials

“If you're considering choosing Body Poetry as your Yoga Teacher Training allow this to be the  sign that you’re looking for.

I expected to have a month training on how to be a Yoga teacher and it was far beyond anything  I could have dreamed of. The small family space is so safe and healing, our bodies surrendered,  we cried, we un-ravelled layers of deep conditioning and we embraced the supressed parts of  ourselves as we brought them to light. We were re-birthed into the most empowered and ripe  version of ourselves and this is ultimately Lara’s essence of Yoga teacher training. Lara does not  instruct ‘how too’ be a yoga teacher, she instead provides the loving space and opportunities for  you to find your own natural essence as a yoga teacher from stepping into greatest version of  yourself that is waiting for you. 

Despite practicing Yoga and Meditation for many years I experienced a profound volume of aha  moments. Through the education of Tantra Yoga and un-supressing the feminine I see Yoga and  life through such an expansive and exhilarating lens. I see the ordinary in the extraordinary that  was previously so overlooked, I now embody more moments of life and have developed a deep  trust in the intelligence of body and the Divine. 

I cannot articulate the profound un-conditional love that you feel from Lara – you will feel truly  acknowledged and seen for who you are. Lara is always available for your questions and holds  such a sacred contained for you to explore and re-integrate with your layers. 

Re-integration with ourselves, practicing Yoga, or teaching Yoga is not layering of protocols,  development, hard work, ‘adding on’ to ourselves. We learned that it is a letting go of all the  accumulated debris of other people’s opinions, guidance and books of how our experience  should be and feel. The simplicity of turning the lights on within is all that was needed then the  Yoga teaching flows effortlessly… How did I learn how to turn on the inner lights? Through the rich intimate experience of Lara’s Yoga Body Poetry Teacher Training.  

If you choose Body Poetry you’re not just another number, you’re not just another Yoga teacher.  You are everything the world is ready for.

~ Emma McNiff, Yoga Teacher

“I stumbled serendipitously upon Lara’s Body Poetry Yoga Teacher Training, guided by a dear yoga friend who said it would be ‘life-changing’ - and so it was! One of life’s miraculous ‘Sliding Doors’ moments. 

To be in Lara’s orbit in the idyllic Byron Bay hinterland is a precious opportunity for healing, expansion and metamorphosis. As Lara gently led us back to our mysterious, magic selves, I could feel the love & life within me unblocking. 

Like Dorothy hurtling towards Oz into full-spectrum colour, or tumbling through the wardrobe into Narnia, is to bathe in Lara’s yogic wisdom & practical magic. 

Lara’s teaching style is at once earthy & heart-fully poetic, inviting us to sink our roots deep within the earth, in order to power up and out. Lara is a force of nature and holds space with charisma, deep knowledge & (com)passion. The beauty of the work is in the invitation to journey from student-receptivity to the courage and luminosity of teaching yoga. 

If you want to discover the beauty & liberation of true yoga, so much more than mere exercise, drop everything & sign up to Lara’s course! When you leave Byron Bay, you will feel as if you have tumbled into a radiant new world.”

William Simpson, Writer & Body Poetry Yoga Teacher

After experiencing what I can describe as a life-changing event, going toe to toe with my shadow and at the same time, laughing, crying and holding space for others with so much love, there is no way in hell that I couldn’t have changed as a person!

Not only has Body Poetry Yoga given me the gift of a very personalised yoga practice, that ignites the radiance and the romantic poet within me, it has also given me the gift of wanting to no longer hide myself from the world. I now know that life is far too short to not experience it without beautiful connections, to myself and to others! Having felt what true connection with community really is, has changed my perspective on who I am. In the past, I felt though I had hidden myself away from others because I did not understand human behaviour. Turns out, I just did understand myself and Body Poetry Yoga allowed me to see that.
Who I am now is someone who wants to move and dance to the sounds of the universe. To experience life not through suffering, but through pleasure. To see pleasure through the smiles of loved one’s faces, through to the pleasures of simply just smelling a rose. It is as though Body Poetry Yoga has inscribed words of poetry around my heart, that are ever so delicately whispering words of inspiration within my ears to go and taste the beauty and wonderment that is life.

~ Indiana Holley